My Life in the 2020s
My daily ritual is:
- Up at 5 am; eat breakfast and read paper on computer
- Take Zoe out for a walk (usually near McNary Park)
- Coffee and work on computer
- 10:30 - 10:45 - take Zoe out
- 11:30 - lunch; feed Zoe
- 12:30 - 1 pm - Take Zoe for a walk
- 1 - 3: light computer work and other stuff
- 3:30 - Touchstone Park; Zoe gets 1/2 cup of kibble
- 4:30 - Tanglewood Park; Zoe gets 1/4 cup og kibble
- 5:30 - supper
- 6:45 - Eleanor, Zoe and I go for a walk
- 7:30 - Give Zoe some treats and send her to bed
- 8:00 - take a shower
- 8:30 - read in bed
- 9 pm - go to sleep
My dog Zoe passed away. It was a real heartbreaker.