
Guaranteed Results

Ron Kurtus guarantees that your customers will be more satisfied and that your workers will perform better as a result of using the technical manuals, guides and multimedia training material we produce.

We would guarantee actual increased business and profits, but there are so many other factors involved, that verifying where the increase came from would be too difficult to measure.

Customer Satisfaction Guarantee

The program to guarantee increased customer satisfaction (and thus business) would be based on follow-up surveys, after the customer has used the support products we developed, such as a user manual, computer-based training and such.

The results would be compared with previous customer satisfaction statistics, if available.

Worker Production Guarantee

The program to guarantee increased worker effectiveness (and thus profits) would be based statistics of production rate, necessary re-work, and such, taken before and after the workers used the training and guide material developed by Kurtus Technologies.

You Can't Lose

With such guarantees, you certainly can't lose in trying the services provided by Kurtus Technologies.

Contact Ron Kurtus for more information on how we can help your company.

Also see:

Kurtus Technologies



Solutions Provided

- Computer-Based Training
- Web-Based Training

Database-driven Webs
- eCommerce
- Catalogs
- Dynamic pages

- User Manuals
- Online Help
- ISO 9000 Procedures

- Project Management
- Electro-Optics
- Test Design

Client List

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